Top 10 Tips to boost your Web Page Speed
Top 10 Tips to boost your Web Page Speed
Use CDN : Worried about the Loading Time? Then use CDN. This particular technology is of the most trending one in the field of Hosting. Gone are the days when people used to rely on Shared Hosting (Linux and Windows) where websites tend to use the same resources on the same server leading to heavy load on the servers eventually leading to a slow website. Using a CDN can largely impact the loading time of the website. So, what actually is a CDN, What Does It Do? CDN stands for Content Delivery Network CDN is a network of servers that are geographically distributed all around the globe to provide fast delivery of website content. So what’s the BIG DEAL? The advantage with it is that once the web files are stored in a server and when users load the web page from different niche, they receive these files from a server that is geographically the closest to them. It doesn’t have to render the content from the same server again and again that can increase the load. That can drastically reduce the loading time. Isn’t it beautiful.
Advantages : Faster Delivery of Content, Safe and Secure, Improved Up time, No Geographic barriers, High Performance and reduced Bandwidth cost.
Improved Server Hosting Performance : What is your TTFB (Time to First Byte). This is the biggest issue that most of the websites go through. If you don’t have a hosting with a better TTFB, then you might land up frustrated with a very low Page Speed. It is just because of the TTFB, it is highly recommended to go for reliable Hosting with a little burden of of resources being used from the server. It’s pretty obvious with a larger number of websites using the same resources can at times lower your page speed. This is where Dedicated Hosting comes into play. But this is too quite expensive which small businesses can’t afford. So, the server response time is the most important factor in the page speed of a website.
If WordPress, the best theme which should be preferred : Themes, plugins, and server specifications all contribute to server response time. So it is highly recommended to use themes that are optimized at highest level. Today, almost all the themes are optimized for SEO, Mobile View but when it comes to considering the loading time, we should think of a more capable optimized theme. At the same time, we must think of upgrading the server as well.
Page Size : Page Size is what determines the loading time of a website. Of course from the word itself, the size of the web page is what matters in getting a good back end performance score. Page Size refers to the files that are used for building or designing the website. It can be images, scripts, CCS, HTML Files, Fonts. These things adversely affects the page speed. The most conventional size for any good web page should be within 1.5 MB -2 MB. And once, it breaches the line, of course the loading time can be hampered.
Number of HTTP Requests : The more the number of requests to load in the server, the more will be the waiting time. So for a faster load, we have to keep our counts low and transfer sizes small. Decreasing the number of elements or files on a page reduces the number of HTTP requests required to render the page as a result of which the page loads fast. There are several techniques by which we can minimize the number of requests like combining the files, merging a multiple number of scripts to one, using CSS sprites and image maps, etc.
Defer Parsing of Javascript : Java scripts can at times slow down your website. So, what happens if we defer the loading. By doing that your site will tell visitors’ browsers to wait to download and/or parse JavaScript until after your site’s main content has already finished loading. There are different methods used to achieve this. One is the Async while the other is Defer. In WordPress there are multiple methods like using using plugins like Async, Autoptimize, WPRocket, etc. We can also change things by editing core files like functions.php. It will automatically tell to defer scripts.
Image Optimization : How optimized is my website, That’s the first question comes to our mind if we have a website. One of the significant factor that affects the loading time is the Images used in the website. To make a website look good, every developer or a designer uses tons of images, but how far we have optimized them. This is where most of the novice designers do the wrong. Simply using the images in the website to look good doesn’t meet our cause. In fact this can affect the loading time and increase the bounce rate as well. Nobody likes a slow website. To make it fast we have to optimize the images, reduce the size of the images to the maximum level, scale it to the size wherever required. Plugins like Smush, can help in WordPress.
Leverage Browser Caching : Every time a page is serviced, all the files within the page tend to load until every files are loaded before it is rendered to the user. So what if the the site is huge. Is it really necessary that the user has to load the files every time he visits the same page. NO!!! Browser caching can help by storing some of these files locally in the user’s browser. The first visit can take a bit of time to load and once it gets loaded , the next time the user visits the page, it will not be the same time again. This time the files are already stored in the cache, that makes the web page load more fast. This is done by using some plugins if it is wordpress or it has certain codes to be embedded if it is other than wordpress. Codes are modified in .htaccess file which is normally a hidden file. Plugins like Far Future Expiry Plugin can of real help here. The main reason why browser caching is important is because it reduces the load on your web server, and gives faster content to the users reducing the bounce rate.
Enable Gzip Compression: At times what happens is the files that we use like images, HTML, JS, CSS, enormously becomes huge. So for that server too has a good provision to make things compressed without affecting the design and files internally. This is GZIp Compression. It reduces the the page size by almost 70%, thereby increasing the page speed. There are different methods of setting up gzip compression depending on the servers you are using. Compressing files can really boost your loading time.This is what it does.
Minify CSS , JS Files and HTML files: Just like Gzip Compression, it is very important to make sure we don’t use lot of scripts and files. If ever we use it then we should have some limitations. But there is a good thing with these scripts that , they can be compressed as well and we call them minifying the files. It can also affect your loading time as it has to modify a large number of codes and compress into one lowering the file size.